
Sometimes the thinner fonts don't tend to work that great with the super blade pro effect. Okay so I've opened up a new canvas, add a new layer for your text and I'm choosing a nice fat scripty font called Applejuiced. another really great one, sorted by color and if you're a hoarder like me you'll love these hahaĪnother set I love but don't know about the sharing rules on them so unfortunately I cannot share are the 'kris' ones. has freakin' awesome ones especially the coconut ice one which I use A LOT, the other ones are really cool too The program will not work if you don't! Okay here's some links and these are free presets and who doesn't love free? When you download presets, you need to put them in the environments and textures folder. SBP does come with some generic presets and those are fine but there are some that are in my opinion BETTER lol! Here's a couple of links to some awesome presets. Next thing you wanna do is have some presets added in. Now when you download you should see your 8bf folder and also you'll see a folder called environments and textures and also one for images.


I created a folder called My PSP Files and then a subfolder for Plugins and then of course each filter has a folder in there including my Super Blade Pro. I always put all my 'psp stuff' on my external hard drive.


Never ever install filters directly to your PSP Program Files. Okay so you've got the filter and you just install it like any other filter.


It's one of those filters that I definitely think is worth the money lol.


It does come with I think its a 30 day free trial and then you do have to purchase it. First things first gotta have the filter! You can get it at Flaming Pear the makers of the filter. Many people have asked me to tut how I use Super Blade Pro in the text of my tags cuz it usually looks pretty shiny lol so I'm going to give this a whirl! I'll just use example on making text cuz it's eay.
